Clinical Services - Page 7
Innovating to reduce radiation doses in specialist cancer care
One of Britain’s leading cancer centres has had great success in reducing levels of harmful radiation emitted from scanning equipment,…
The Discharge Medicines Service: a step towards true medicine optimisation
Nick Thayer, Professional Healthcare and Policy Researcher for the Company Chemists' Association (CCA), outlines how the new Discharge Medicines Service…
NHS waitlists to reach 10 million by April
New figures suggest that one in six people will be on an NHS waiting list by April following pandemic disruption to elective care…
The new NHS reforms: long overdue or a poorly timed power grab?
The Government formally released a white paper last week aiming to legislate the process of joining up health and care services, reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and achieve greater ;What has been the reaction from the health…
Children in deprived areas twice as likely to contact mental health services
Recently published NHS data on the usage of secondary mental heath services in England in 2019/2020 shows clear divides along…
New partnership aims to improve Greater Manchester population health
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) and Siemens Healthineers have today announced a 15-year technology partnership, of an approximate value…
A silent tsunami is coming – it’s time to stem the tide of AMR
Hospital Times Editor David Duffy outlines why antimicrobial could prove to be even more catastrophic than Covid-19, and calls for…
Staff ingenuity and determination is keeping elective care going
During a testing period for healthcare, Lindsay Dransfield, Commercial Director for Vanguard Healthcare, pays tribute to health and care staff…
Pennine NHS launches new patient diagnostic imaging initiative
The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust has become the first of eight NHS trusts to deploy a state-of-the-art imaging IT solution from Sectra that…
A New Start: The promise of 2021
While reflecting on a turbulent year for healthcare Nick Rothwell, General Manager, Mölnlycke UK & I, outlines causes for optimism…