Digitisation - Page 9
Setting a path for digital transformation
Kathy Adams, Senior Sister in the Emergency Department at Homerton University Hospital Foundation Trust, writes for Hospital Times, outlining how the Trust…
Interoperability: the key to bringing the NHS into the 21st Century
Matthew Gould, Chief Executive of NHSX, outlined his priorities to hundreds of senior health sector delegates at the Health+Care Conference…
AI can be “powerful” tool to detect heart problems
A new research study from Mayo Clinic, published yesterday, has found a new way of identifying atrial fibrillation (AF) -…
“Alexa, what are the symptoms?”
The NHS and Amazon have announced a partnership to enable voice-assisted technology to provide patients with health information from the NHS website. It is hoped…
How grassroots action can inspire innovation
Homerton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has developed a means of providing essential knowledge to frontline staff in the form of…
New online assessment tool and “essential” guidelines to support community epilepsy care
The Epilepsy Nurses Association (ESNA) is this month launching new training guidelines for professional carers administering buccal (ormomucosal) midazolam for…
NHS launches new streamlining apps library
A digital assessment portal which will streamline and improve the process for developers seeking to have their app included on…
NHS Trusts need clinicians to lead the way with digital
When you dump technology on people, they will reject it, says Toby Avery, CIO of Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation…
Heart in the machine: how AI is transforming cardiovascular diagnosis
Ross Upton, CEO and Academic co-founder of Ultromics discusses how Artificial Intelligence will provide increasingly needed help to clinicians…
NHS App goes live
NHS England has today announced that the NHS App is now available with a web-based version to be released in…