Estates and Facilities - Page 2
Work needed to make NHS infrastructure “fit for future”, say MPs
A cross-party group of MPs and peers is seeking views on how the NHS estates and infrastructure can best meet…
Community Diagnostic Centres: A critical response to regional inequalities
The latest report from Vanguard, Assessing the current state of play of CDC delivery across England, 2021, provides much needed clarity on the current…
A new Health Infrastructure Plan is crucial for the future of the NHS
Entering Downing Street three years ago, the Prime Minister put health infrastructure front and centre for his government, pledging to…
Plans submitted for new London life sciences cluster
Artist's impression of the proposed development. NHS Property Services have submitted plans to redevelop area in Whitechapel to create a…
Efficient water delivery is vital for healthcare climate resilience
Saving water and conserving energy while keeping patients and professionals safe is a crucial aspect of building climate-resilient and low-carbon…
Modular surgical hubs enable regionally tailored care
Surgical hubs can be up and running quickly to tackle elective care backlogs. They also have the potential to focus…
Lifting the blinkers to tackle forgotten hospital waste
Biotechnology business Advetec believes NHS net-zero goals are being held back by a series of ‘green misnomers’ and a lack…
Patient hotels: A comfortable solution to the capacity crisis
While the NHS attempts to bring down major backlogs in elective care, Victoria Shaw, Principal Property Development Manager at NHS…
Combatting regional healthcare inequalities in the NHS backlog
As the government announces plans to invest £12 billion a year for the next 3 years across the NHS and…
An estate strategy: Now there’s a capital idea
Unlocking capital to invest in healthcare’s physical environment has never been more important, yet many Trusts fail to develop an…