News & Views - Page 27
Crystal Palace FC donates stadium to aid NHS vaccination drive
Along with Premier League football, Crystal Palace will now also be home to a major NHS vaccination centre. (Above photo: Dan Weir/PPAUK)…
Digital technology: the key to more inclusive healthcare
Dr Noel O’Kelly, Spirit Digital, stresses the need to maintain the digital momentum in healthcare. 2020 saw a huge increase…
Children in deprived areas twice as likely to contact mental health services
Recently published NHS data on the usage of secondary mental heath services in England in 2019/2020 shows clear divides along…
BAME patients less likely to attend A&E in first lockdown
A study of attendances at A&E departments across England revealed a drop by half following the introduction of the first UK lockdown in…
A silent tsunami is coming – it’s time to stem the tide of AMR
Hospital Times Editor David Duffy outlines why antimicrobial could prove to be even more catastrophic than Covid-19, and calls for…
Frontline charities launch national wellness campaign
A new initiative has been announced to boost wellbeing for frontline healthcare and emergency service staff. This January four charities,…
Staff ingenuity and determination is keeping elective care going
During a testing period for healthcare, Lindsay Dransfield, Commercial Director for Vanguard Healthcare, pays tribute to health and care staff…
NMC reinstates emergency education standards to fight pandemic
As the pandemic continues to place untold strain in the NHS, student nurses can once again opt into extended clinical placements…
Reimagining medicine through data and digital
Connecting innovators across the sector to enhance the patient experience. In 2018, Novartis embarked on an ambitious digital transformation to…
PPE: lessons from a UK manufacturer
Jo Talbot, Marketing Manager for Tecman Group, puts forward the case for sustainable UK PPE manufacturing. UK industry is strong,…