News & Views - Page 45
Government to incentivise new antibiotic development
A 'subscription' style payment model will be tested in the NHS to incentivise pharma companies to develop new antibiotics, with…
Boys to benefit from HPV vaccine from September
Public Health England has announced that from September 2019, boys aged 12 and 13 will be offered the free Human Papilloma…
NHS out and proud to show support for LGBT+ Pride
Ahead of the Pride celebrations, the NHS confirmed that more than 200 hospitals are launching dedicated schemes that support lesbian, gay, bisexual…
The future is a mobile workforce
Dr Nicholas Andreou, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Locums’ Nest writes for Hospital Times on how a unique digital interface can…
Prevention: It’s like pulling teeth
In response to the emphasis on prevention in the not-so-recent NHS Long Term Plan (LTP), Hospital Times spoke to Professor…
Stemming the increase in energy costs
The NHS is facing its tenth successive year of energy price rises and forecasts show no sign of slowing, with…
Mayo Clinic Healthcare in partnership with Oxford University Clinic announces team of physicians
(left to right: Dr Sihame Benmira, Dr Kevin Fleming, Dr Stephen Cassivi, Dr Robert Orford, Dr Sandeep Kapur) Four specialist doctors…
NHS leaders seek integration, partnership and diversity to meet aims of LTP
A new report from the NHS Confederation outlines the views of new NHS bosses on the required changes to leadership needed to meet the…
Definitive event for health and care in UK set for next week
Health+Care 2019 will take place between 26-27 June and will be one of the largest and most important events in…
Royal College of Surgeons calls for 5-year plan to cut wait times
Surgeons are concerned that the NHS does not have a clear plan to tackle the growing backlog of patients waiting for operations, as…