CMS provides Kanmed BabyBeds to Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit

Above: Sophie Theed with her twins in a Kanmed BabyBed on the Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit at Medway Maritime Hospital.
Central Medical Supplies (CMS) has provided Kanmed BabyBeds to the Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit (OFNU) at Medway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham, Kent, following fundraising by the Oliver Fisher Special Care Baby Trust (OFSCBT) charity.
The charity exists to support the OFNU, which during an average year, provides care to over one thousand babies, ranging from those needing just a little support post-birth to those with complex health issues.
The OFSCBT purchased ten single Kanmed BabyBeds and two twin BabyBeds from CMS. CMS is the sole UK distributor for Kanmed and has worked in partnership with the company for over 30 years. The Kanmed BabyBed is the modern way to care for newborn and premature babies in medium and low intensive care situations.
The BabyBed features unique push down side walls, is simple to use and easy to clean. It is the only bed of its kind, available in the UK, which comes with an electrical height adjustment; enabling staff, parents and carers to adapt the bed’s height to meet their needs. The Kanmed twin BabyBed has been designed to enable and support the increasingly routine practice of co-bedding twins in a spacious and safe environment.
Sarah Clarke, Matron of the Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit, said: “We needed to upgrade the cots on the Special Care Ward, to benefit babies, parents and staff and the Kanmed BabyBed met all our needs. The drop-down sides provide our staff with quick and easy access to the babies in the case of an emergency.
All of the new cots can also be raised and lowered to any height, making it easier for staff, parents and carers to provide care or take babies in and out of the cot. It’s also great for those who have back issues, those with mobility difficulties or if they use most mobility aids. The Kanmed BabyBed really has made such a difference to everyone involved in the care of babies on the unit.”
Tracey Pavier-Grant, Sales and Marketing Director at Central Medical Supplies, said: “It’s great news that the unit was able to secure funding from its charity to update the care given to neonates. We’re proud to have the Kanmed BabyBed in our portfolio and pleased to hear about the benefits this unique product is already bringing to staff and parents alike on the unit.”
For more information on the Kanmed BabyBed, contact Tracey Pavier-Grant, Sales & Marketing Director at Central Medical Supplies, on 01538 392 596 or email Further details are also available by visiting the CMS website at