Tag archives for slider - Page 18
Cases of hepatitis increasing in children across Europe
A number of unexplained cases of hepatitis have been detected in children across Europe, with 74 having been recorded in…
NHS App is helping to save 22,000 car journeys every month
NHS Digital finds that more people are using the NHS App to book appointments and repeat prescriptions, helping to save…
Join us in May for the Healthcare Show
Back in 2020 when the pandemic was raging, a popular school of thought emerged: virtual learning was the future, and…
Broader partnerships needed to reduce acute sector pressure
The NHS is working through one of the greatest challenges it has ever faced. With the pandemic still part of…
New bedside critical alarm monitoring system improving patient outcomes
A new monitoring system developed between Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Tutum Medical Ltd of Chesterfield is significantly improving response times…
Liverpool scientists develop potentially lifesaving synthetic antibiotics
University of Liverpool students have made significant progress in unlocking the medical potential of a new class of potent antibiotic,…
A new Health Infrastructure Plan is crucial for the future of the NHS
Entering Downing Street three years ago, the Prime Minister put health infrastructure front and centre for his government, pledging to…
All-female winners at Our Health Heroes Awards 2022
For the first time ever, an all-female group of healthcare workers has made a clean sweep of the individual award…
The Ockenden report: A lesson to be learned for maternity care
National action is required following the failure of care to mothers and babies at the Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust,…
Public satisfaction with NHS hits 25-year low
Analysis from The Kings Fund and Nuffield Trust show that public satisfaction with the NHS has reached its lowest level…