Tag archives for slider - Page 25
Happiness at Work Week: It’s time to invest in healthcare workers’ wellbeing
Every year Happiness at Work Week is a reminder of the importance of supporting wellbeing across the healthcare sector, and…
Beyond the buzzwords: Accelerating digital in hospitals
With the government looking to progress health sector reform from multiple angles, the progression of digital healthcare within NHS hospitals…
Patient flow command centres: not just for Covid-19
Neil Griffiths, Managing Director of TeleTracking Europe, questions why, when a centralised command centre is capable of improving patient care…
Disregarding staff wellbeing will compound NHS workforce pressures
Fatigue and burnout are amplifying workforce pressures across the NHS, addressing this will require compassionate NHS leadership that prioritises ;…
NHS still a source of pride for Brits despite many facing fight for treatment
New data from Engage Britain shows that the NHS makes Brits “proud to be British” but also reveals millions face being forced to go private, fight for treatment or feeling dismissed by…
Long awaited social care reform: is it enough for meaningful change?
On 7 September, Boris Johnson announced a new UK wide health and social care tax is to be introduced to pay…
An estate strategy: Now there’s a capital idea
Unlocking capital to invest in healthcare’s physical environment has never been more important, yet many Trusts fail to develop an…
Data Saves Lives – Can Data Catalyse NHS Cancer Recovery?
Will the promise of data to enhance patient outcomes and help the NHS through Covid-19 recovery come true? Disruption to…
We need targeted investment to tackle deep-rooted health inequalities
Disparities in the growth of waiting lists due to the pandemic highlight the importance of addressing unmet needs among certain ; The total NHS waiting list, one of three…
What part can independent provision play in post-pandemic plans?
The role the private healthcare sector plays in supporting NHS recovery and renewal following Covid-19 has taken on profound ; …