Tag archives for slider - Page 41
The pandemic and the NHS estate
How has NHS capital strategy been shaped by Covid-19? Hospital Times welcomed Simon Corben, Director and Head of Profession NHS…
We must save our precious charity research sector
Dr Charmaine Griffiths, Chief Executive of the British Heart Foundation, speaks to Hospital Times Editor David Duffy about the financial…
We must address the oncologist shortage
As the NHS now turns to the growing backlog of cancer treatment that lies before it, concerning figures suggest that it does…
Protecting those who protect us
Hospital Times Junior Editor Francesco Tamilia speaks to Dr Harrison Carter on how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected doctors’ mental…
Using the pandemic to enhance the role of the paramedic
Adam Layland, National Head of Commissioning at Health Education England and Consultant Paramedic at Coventry and Rugby GP Alliance, outlines…
Northampton NHS at forefront of innovation for virtual ward tech
A partnership between Doccla and Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust (NGH) will see the trial of remote smart patient monitoring,…
Surge in demand expected for NHS mental health services
A sharp rise in referrals in October will see hundreds of thousands of patients struggling and NHS mental health trusts…
The fight against sepsis in the Covid era
Dr Ron Daniels, founder and Chief Executive of the UK Sepsis Trust, has long been on a mission to improve…
The £3 billion boost, is it enough?
The Government has announced a funding boost for the health service to see it through what could be one of…
New framework to help get public sector back to work safely
As much of the public sector prepare to go back to the workplace, NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) have…