Tag archives for slider - Page 49
Banks must do more to deliver the support promised to businesses
Business Secretary Alok Sharma’s yesterday called on banks to support firms “in their time of need”. Steve Wake, Managing Director,…
How genomics can help the fight against Covid-19
Dr Philippa Brice, External Affairs Director for the PHG Foundation, outlines how genomic sequencing could prove to be critical in…
UK coronavirus Covid-19 in maps and figures
As the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across the world, we have mapped the key figures across the UK and Europe.
From the crisis to new priorities
Professor Nick Bosanquet of Imperial College stresses the responsibility the Government and the NHS has in protecting the million "at-risk"…
A disconnect in the direction of travel
In the context of Covid-19 Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England outlines how joined up thinking between…
Ministerial Briefing: Government to offer rescue flights for stranded Britons
Appearing for the first time at the Downing Street coronavirus press conference, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced plans to bring stranded British citizens safely back to…
New study finds video consultation with GP a viable alternative
A new study by the University of Warwick has found that video consultations with a GP are a viable alternative to face…
Being a vulnerable person in the coronavirus crisis: Ali’s Story
The pandemic that the world is now facing is causing a lot of confusion and fear among many, especially those…
Chancellor’s Briefing: New support announced for the self-employed
Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak addressed the nation on the economic crisis accompanying the spread of Covid-19. Almost as concerning as…
A reappraisal of what health and social care systems should and can deliver
In these unprecedented times, when the full effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are evolving around us, it is obvious that the…