Tecman Achieve CE Certification to Category III for their UK Made Face Shield

Tecman is proud to announce the certification of their disposable face shield to category III complex design PPE level. This achievement underlines Tecman’s vison to establish the UK manufacturer as a global leader in the development of face and eye protection.
Having initially worked around the clock at the beginning of the UK lockdown, the team developed their CE marked face shield for high volume manufacture in record time, providing vital protection for healthcare staff. Tecman have now taken the quality of their product to the next level by achieving category III status.
Tecman’s Managing Director, Kevin Porter, commented: “Achieving CE category III is a very significant step in supporting our vision to become a world leader in the development of a new generation of face and eye protection that prioritises the comfort of healthcare workers.”
Category III Complex Design PPE Level
The 89/686/EEC PPE Directive is an important legislation for ensuring occupational safety throughout Europe. The European Standards (EN) set out consistent requirements to ensure products meet enhanced performance and safety needs.
To achieve Category III certification, Tecman’s face shield has been independently type tested by SATRA Technology to demonstrate that it meets the requirements of the applicable standards. Regular samples of the face shield will be submitted for testing and will be manufactured under an assessed quality management system to confirm the on-going production performance meets the type tested sample.
Healthcare Workers Comfort is Priority
Tecman’s range of face and eye protection products are going from strength to strength. By setting up focus groups to consult healthcare workers on their comfort needs and concerns, they have clinical embedded feedback into the product development process. This latest development follows the recent expansion into a second facility creating over 30 new jobs in the West Midlands. This comes in addition to a large investment in automation to streamline production and boost manufacturing capacity to over one million pieces per week.
Thanks to support from their UK-based healthcare supply partners, Tecman have sourced all materials from UK manufacturers, making the category III face shield entirely British made using a patent-protected process at Tecman’s Leamington Spa facility.
Kevin Porter, comments: “Britain has long been a great manufacturing nation, and we’re proud to continue the tradition. Our flagship category III face shield is the first in a new line of face and eye protection products that address the comfort and safety needs of healthcare workers whilst being entirely British made.”
For more
information about Tecman’s face and eye protection visit www.tecmanuk.com or email sales@tecmanuk.com