How the independent sector can alleviate the elective backlog

Medinet, the largest provider of additional elective services to the NHS via insourced and other models, have released their Manifesto for better, outlining how they plan to support hospitals to improve access to treatment, empower patient choice and increase capacity.
Tackling the elective backlog is now the number one priority for the NHS, with most families across the country feeling the impact of the backlog. The latest figures from the British Medical Association for January 2022 show another unwelcomed record, with a total of over 6.1 million people waiting for treatment, of which 2.3 million have already waited over 18 weeks.
In February 2022 NHS England released its Delivery plan for tackling the Covid-19 backlog of elective care. The recovery plan sets out an agenda for dealing with the backlog, including targets such as eliminating waits for longer than a year for elective care by 2025 and of longer than two years by 2022. A number of initiatives are included in order to return to most patients waiting no longer than the target of 18-week maximum, as stated in the NHS constitution.
However, the latest figures also reveal that only 62.5 per cent of patients are being seen within the 18-week Referral to treatment (RTT) target. This has fallen from 66.5 per cent in the previous period. In addition, new patients continue to be referred to elective care services – in the month of January 2022 alone, 1,513,035 patients started a new RTT pathway. Any hospital attempting to reduce the backlog is seeing patients added to waiting lists for elective services at a much faster rate than they can independently reduce.
Medinet, the largest provider of additional elective services to the NHS, via insourced and other models, have released their Manifesto for better outlining how they plan on supporting hospitals across the country to support commitments to improve access to treatment, empower patient choice, and provide the capacity required in response to the growing backlog of elective services.
Medinet are a crucial support partner to the NHS, seeing and treating over one million patients in their time, helping the government and local hospitals deliver on their promises as a viable solution.
We at Medinet see the pressure building on patient waiting lists and on NHS staff. Medinet will provide access to the UK’s largest pool of expert clinicians to ease that pressure, delivering care to those who need it, faster.
Every trust is unique and so are their needs. We recognise that through a collaborative approach, designing consultant-led solutions to deliver the exact blend of support required to overcome the most complex challenges.
The need is national and so are we. We provide full coverage in more than 20 specialist areas, ensuring highly skilled experts are deployed no matter where, no matter when.
At Medinet, we uphold the highest standards of the NHS, securing patient safety with a robust Governance Framework that sits at the foundation of every specialism we offer.
We build change that lasts. We collaborate to eliminate patient waiting times sustainably by working to existing patient pathways and finding the most effective and efficient solutions to support every trust. That includes supplying specialists and subspecialists flexibly for as long as they are needed, keeping trusts within target and maintaining patient satisfaction scores above the NHS average.
Budgets drive decisions, so we set fees consistently below tariff, making us reliably accessible – always.
We see the people behind the statistics and the targets. Our teams will ease the workload for clinicians, consultants, and nursing staff, reducing stress, and improving their working environment.
Together we can help millions of people get the care they need and end the great wait across the nation. We at Medinet consider ourselves first and foremost a national help service.