Join us in May for the Healthcare Show

Back in 2020 when the pandemic was raging, a popular school of thought emerged: virtual learning was the future, and in-person events belonged to the past. A hasty judgement? Well, possibly.
Fast forward to 2022, and rumours of the death of in-person events are greatly exaggerated. Why is this the case?
Nothing can quite beat human interaction. Every person learns and processes information differently and screen time has been shown to affect concentration and limit attention spans. Zoom and Microsoft Teams are great tools, are brilliant for the environment and allow for more efficient use of time. They’re certainly a key part of the mix but are not a proper replacement for the value of in-person learning.
The last two years have been uniquely traumatic for healthcare professionals, which makes the opportunity to reconnect with people and properly network, in-person, all the more important. That chance to meet fellow professionals again and reconnect will prove a very cathartic experience.
The Healthcare Show returns to London Excel on 18-19 May 2022 and as you’d imagine, our central theme is around recovery from Covid-19 and the restoration of services. We’re examining what has been learned and what needs to be done differently as a result. Before the pandemic, NHS England and NHS Improvement had a brand-new Long-Term Plan. What has happened to that, and how can it get back on track?
Unfortunately, the reservoirs of good will toward the NHS appear to be running dry in comparison to the early stages of the pandemic when people were showing their appreciation on the doorstep.
In 2021, according to the British Attitudes Survey, satisfaction with the NHS suffered its largest ever fall since records began in the 1950s. People are waiting too long for GP appointments, too long for hospital appointments and the lack of sufficient staffing is a common complaint. The whole situation is exacerbated by major problems in social care, where satisfaction is even lower, at just 15 per cent approval. The pandemic has rocked the NHS and tested it to its limits and it would be an understatement to say there is a lot to cover.
With this gloomy backdrop, it is crucially important to better understand the post-pandemic direction of travel for healthcare policy and The Healthcare Show is delighted to feature a whole range of critical updates from arm’s length bodies and equally vital critiques from healthcare commentators. If you want to get a better handle on what’s happening with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and new legislation and funding for the NHS, we also have that covered.

Across 6 theatres, which encompass our Keynote Theatre, Integrated Care, Clinical Priorities, Patient Safety and Infection Prevention, Care Quality and Efficiency, and Transformation we’re hosting over 100 different sessions with more than 200 speakers. View the full speaker faculty.

The breadth of content, range of topics and diversity of high-quality speakers is unparalleled. You can view the conference programme here.
The reason why The Healthcare Show is held in such high regard is the fact it is completely independent. We have no editorial axe to grind, no political agendas to promote or government campaigns to push.
That is what sets us apart. The content is created for and by healthcare practitioners. Our focus is on practical solutions, relevant case studies and essential updates. We bring people together, so they have the opportunity to collaborate. People can share inspiration and insight. This year, all those qualities are even more important and even more necessary.
Free for healthcare professionals, you can register here.