UK’s largest event for Healthcare Estates, 8-9 October 2019

Healthcare Estates’ biggest event of the year, the Healthcare Estates Conference 2019, is just around the corner, set to kick-off at 8:45am on 8 October 2019.
As the single most important event for UK Healthcare Estates, the conference this year will exhibit over 240 companies showcasing the latest products and services.
Over 4,500 delegates are expected to attend the conference and they will hear from some of the leading voices in healthcare infrastructure, such as Alasdair Coates, Chief Executive Officer of the Engineering Council, Professor Michael Kagioglou, Dean of the University of Huddersfield, and Simon Corben, Director and Head of Profession at NHS Estates and Facilities, NHS Improvement.
With speakers of this calibre, the two-day conference will become a centre for high-level discussion, focusing on the biggest issues concerning capital development in healthcare.
This year Healthcare Estates has an international flavour, with a dedicated international case study session, which will be available for all to attend in the new plenary theatre on the exhibition floor.
The international session, hosted by the International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE), will cover a diverse range of issues affecting hospital services across the globe, such as modernising hospital services in the Falkland Islands, the construction of a new £1.2 billion hospital in Germany, turning US hospitals to renewable energy and managing waste and energy in a sustainability partnership in Ireland.
The conference programme will be provided by The plenary session, titled Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity into your Engineering Future, will feature a a number of inspirational speakers, including Elizabeth Donnelly, CEO of the Women’s Engineering Society, Suzie Mertes QPM, Superintendent, Police Scotland, and Fiona Daly from NHS Improvement (NHSI). This session will be held straight after the keynote session, and will be available for all delegates, exhibitors, speakers and visitors to attend.
Strategy and Leadership
The main conference room will feature sessions on healthcare infrastructure that will tackle issues including how the creation of an index might compare the response of cities to health challenges, focusing on their future readiness to meet the emerging healthcare needs of their populations. The sessions will also cover topics such as how an operating room in the future will need to be designed so it is ready for future medical challenges as well as the fact that lifecycle costs will need to be future-proofed.
Planning Design and Construction
Showcasing a wealth of international expertise, the conference will look at the following:
- Healing design, including how gardens and landscapes in inner-hospital spaces can be made into healing spaces.
- Patient-empowered wayfinding.
- The design of “patient-first” psychiatric hospitals.
- Biophilic design for mental health facilities.
- Acoustics and noise levels in hospitals and how they impact health.
- The creation of a new major trauma centre.
- The amalgamation of historical and new buildings in the creation of a new maternity and paediatric care centre in Italy.
- The ambulatory facility of the future.
Engineering and Facilities Management
The conference taps into a rich vein of international engineering expertise, looking at:
- Indoor air quality and ventilation research.
- The implementation of an ultra-clean ventilation system in the new Karolinska hospital in Finland.
- Insulating monitoring in operating theatres.
- Using technology to create low energy buildings.
This part of the conference looks at:
- How artificial intelligence (AI) might impact the work of hospital engineers.
- How the Internet of Things (IoT) might be used to monitor power use.
- The application of hydrogen-powered fuel cells for clean and reliable energy.
See the full conference programme on for full details of the 75 plus presentations on offer and book your place now.
2019 Exhibition Theatres include:
Design and Construction Zone – This area will focus entirely on design and construction within healthcare; it is a “must attend” for architects.
HVAC and Engineering Theatre – Representatives will present on topics including gas safety, infection control, waste management and many more in a theatre focused on technical content aimed at IHEEM members and their colleagues in the healthcare sector.
Training, Staffing and Apprentice Zone – Significant changes will be discussed, including the introduction of new roles and changes to how training will be funded.
Infection Control and Water Zone – Will focus on water management and infection control with a theatre programme hosted by the Water Management Society.
Energy and Sustainability Zone – The latest techniques and innovation will be showcased, focusing on reducing the carbon footprint across the NHS and allowing the NHS to meet its legal targets set out in the Climate Change Act.
Facilities Management Zone – Will focus on hard and soft facilities management and issues that facility management personnel face on a day to day basis.
Fire and Security Zone – Will present and promote the most recent solutions to the ever-growing demand to ensure fire safety and security in the public sector following numerous unprecedented disasters in recent times.
For more information, please visit